Archive for the ‘Robert’ Category

Day Ten – Goal Recap

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

taylorfarmssouthwestDay 10 came surprisingly quickly.  Overall I feel good.  I sleep much better at night and can start to see a lighter me.

I wish I could say that I rewarded myself with a nice BBQ tri-tip meal, but, I didn’t.  I did reward meeting my 10day goal with a salad.  I tried ½ a bag of Taylor Farms Southwest Chopped Salad.  It was tasty and satisfying.

Today starts my next 10 day juicing goal.  The juicing is so easy.  It is my mind that makes things hard.  So hopefully the next 10 days will help reprogram my mind and not wanting to crave so much junk.

Day Ten

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

First goal met 🙂

I am down 13lbs.  It is still hard to believe that all I am eating (drinking) is juice.

I have noticed the weight loss in my face and stomach is getting smaller.  About day three, I was thinking that 10 days is a long ways away.  Now that I am there, it was much easier than I thought it was going to be.

I have been trying different juice blends and starting to talk to more people about what I am doing.

Day Five

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

My plan was to at least complete 10 days, with a hope that I could go much longer.

I am down 8 lbs.  Which is always a big motivator in the morning.  I don’t see much change, but, the scale doesn’t lie right?

I created an online database to track my weight loss, as well as a recipes that I like.  I decided to include all recipes, even some that may not be the healthiest, but, are nice and tasty.  It kind of helps with the not eating part by looking at things and remembering what they did taste like.  There you will find some of the best recipes ever.

The TV is a little evil, seems like I see nothing but fast food ads.  I have to admit, today was hard to resist Carls Jr new fresh baked buns with its six dollar burger.  The temptation was so close today, that I was going to pull in the drive thru, but, the line was 10 cars deep.  Someone was looking out for me.  I was able to make it home, make a juice and the cravings went away.

The food cravings are really not that difficult to overcome.  But my sense of smell has enhanced a bit.  I usually just stop take a few extra deep smells and move on.

I added a sweet potato to a juice and WOW!  it was a great flavor.  I would normally not eat a sweet potato, but juicing it is whole other story.

I did look into drinking warm water with lemon in the morning, so I started that this morning.  It wasn’t that bad and being one of the colder days, it was nice to have.

Day Three

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013

I slept a little better last night.  Several months ago, I purchased a jawbone up band.  It keeps track of several things, one of which is deep sleep.  I downloaded the band and found that my deep sleep was a little longer than normal.

I stepped on the scale and it showed I was down 3 lbs.  I had to double check to make sure there wasn’t a flaw in the check, but, it was correct.

I made my juice and stuck to my plan.

Day Two

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

Monday, back to work day.

Spending most of Sunday researching more about juicing, it seems that it is recommended to take a few days off and just relax.  Since I did start right away, I didn’t have that luxury.

I knew I wasn’t able to make enough juice to last the whole day, so I search online for juice places.  I found Blenders in the Grass.  It is only $6 for a 24oz juice.

My first drink I made at home, was the Mean Green and that lasted me until lunch, again just sipping on it when I felt hungry.  The juice from Blenders lasted me until I got home, where I made another juice.

I was excited and surprised that I never felt really hungry and was able to make it through the day.

Day One

Sunday, December 1st, 2013

Sunday, December 1st, 2013, day one…

Starting weight 291, BMI of 39 using an online bmi calculator…classified as Obese.  I always hated going to the doctor’s office and they have to point out the BMI.  It was just a flu shot, I know, I know.

Well, I didn’t have anything to eat this morning so I was starting to feel the food pangs.  I used the mean green juice from  It was different.  But, to be completely honest it was not that bad and on scale of 1 to 5, it was about a 3.

I have tried several green drinks and there is no way I could drink more than a few gulps.  This time I was thinking to myself, I could actually drink this.

In the film, I saw them drinking the juice pretty fast.  I seem to just sip it.  When I start to feel hungry, I take a sip or two and drink water shortly after.

My second juice experience was 100 times better.  Better flavor and kind of wow factor.  I would not eat half the vegetables that I was putting in the juice and was very surprised by the flavors.

I survived day one.  I didn’t feel like I needed to hit up a drive thru.

Starting my Juice Diet

Sunday, December 1st, 2013

November 30th, 2013 I was shopping at Bed, Bath and Beyond and saw a display of juicers.  There was an advertisement for a documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  They had the video, which I almost purchased.  Trying not to be an impulse buyer, I procrastinated and did not purchase anything.

I had a few other things to do around town, but, the video started to weigh on my mind.  Several times I almost went back to purchase the video.  I still resisted.  As soon as I returned home, I could not remember the name of the film, so I did a Google search for “juicing documentary” and found the website.

The website was offering a free viewing of the film, which I sat down and watched.  It was very inspiring and got the mind thinking.

Before this day I was telling myself that it was time to increase the three days a week at the gym to everyday and I was even thinking about twice a day.  I had been going to the gym three days a week, for about an hour, doing mostly cardio and some weights.  I was not noticing much in the weight loss area.

I ended up watching the video a second time before bed.  So you pretty much can guess what I dreamed about that night.

The next morning, which was a Sunday, I did sleep in and it was pretty nice.  I woke up, jumped on the computer and Googled away, searching for information. A few hours later, I headed back to Bed, Bath and Beyond to purchase a juicer.  I selected the same Breville that they used in the documentary, seeing that it worked for them.

The research I did showed that the type of juicer I was getting wasn’t as good as a masticating juicer.  However, there is a large price difference between the two.  I also had a 20% coupon.

My next stop was the grocery store.  I loaded my cart with tons of vegetables and fruits.  It looked like a ton of food in my cart and surprising only cost $45.  I then went home to start my reboot.